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On-the-Go with Enterprise CarShare

Spring is in the air and as the warm weather increases in Boston, so does the energy of the city! Living in Boston has its perks; it’s considered a walking- friendly city with everything in close proximity. If I want to cover a lot of distance in the city or venture outside of Boston in a short amount of time, my go-to car sharing service is Enterprise CarShare.

It’s easy to sign up for a membership, and once you’re approved, just download and use the CarShare mobile app to view available vehicles in your area (you can reserve a rental 24/7). With several vehicle options and hourly and daily rates, you choose what works for your schedule. Pick-up is easy and hassle free—just scan your membership card on the windshield and off you go! Exactly what I need when I want to pack as much punch as I can into my day. The best part is physical damage/liability protection and gas is included—major bonuses!

Also, what I love most about Enterprise CarShare is how efficient I am with my time! When I know my schedule and have a car on reserve, I can plan out each hour and try to be more productive with my day (while fitting in some “me” time, of course).  The morning of my most recent CarShare reservation, I hopped into a beautiful and clean car and brought my dog along. Sometimes I want to explore parks and beaches outside of the crowded city, and my puppy loves roaming free and enjoying the adventure as well.

I took some shots for the blog, then drove back into the city for a brunch work meeting—that’s where having a set of wheels to get in and out of the city quickly really comes in handy! Since I was traveling that weekend, I wanted to pick-up a few beauty essentials and also get my hair and face prepped for my trip. I got my much-needed facial at my favorite spa in Newton, a quick ride just outside of Boston. Then I ended my day catching up with my girlfriends at my favorite rooftop bar in the Seaport area.

Nothing like the satisfaction of making the most of each minute of my day!  So thankful to Enterprise CarShare for the ease and convenience of being able to reserve, extend or modify my rental with their CarShare app from my smartphone. You can try out the service right now—membership fees are waived for the first year and you’ll automatically get $20 in driving credits (U.S.)—just use the link below and plug in the promo code BLOG17.  Enjoy the ride!
Click here for $20 in driving credits when you join:

*This post is sponsored by Enterprise CarShare but all opinions are my own.
